Support Left Hand

About this product

The Support Left Hand (#SU003-00573), a crucial Drive-Chassis part in the Front Disc Brake Caliper & Dust Cover system, plays a significant role in maintaining the functionality and safety of the braking system. As a component that holds the brake caliper in place, this part ensures that the calipers apply adequate pressure on the brake pads against the rotor. Genuine Toyota parts are essential for vehicle compatibility. They are designed to match your vehicle's precise specifications and come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. As the Support Left Hand (#SU003-00573) ages, it may become worn or damaged, potentially impairing the brake system's functionality. This could lead to a decrease in brake efficiency and overall vehicle safety. Therefore, periodic replacement is recommended to maintain optimal braking performance. Ultimately, the Support Left Hand (#SU003-00573) is pivotal in ensuring the efficiency and safety of the Front Disc Brake Caliper & Dust Cover system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-00573

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