Support Rear Bumper #1

About this product

The Support Rear Bumper #1 (#52154-WAA01), a key Body part in the Rear Bumper & Bumper Stay system, plays a critical role in safeguarding a vehicle's rear end. Genuine Toyota Support Rear Bumper #1 (#52154-WAA01)s function by absorbing and distributing impact forces, protecting the vehicle's structural integrity and its occupants in the event of a collision. The Support Rear Bumper #1 (#52154-WAA01) interacts with various other components within its system, acting as a barrier to dissipate energy upon impact. Over time, the bumper can lose its structural strength due to wear and tear, reducing its ability to protect the vehicle and its passengers. Consequently, periodical replacement is recommended to maintain optimal safety levels. By using genuine Toyota parts, you benefit from seamless vehicle compatibility and Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Support Rear Bumper #1 (#52154-WAA01) is indeed vital for the overall safety and efficiency of your vehicle, acting as a shield against the rigors of everyday travel.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 52154-WAA01

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