Selecting Bellcrank Support Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Selecting Bellcrank Support Sub-Assembly (#33608-52020), a crucial Drive-Chassis part within the Shift Lever & Retainer system, plays a key role in facilitating smooth gear changes. This part works in synchrony with the shift lever, enabling efficient transmission of mechanical force from the lever to the gear system. Over time, wear and tear can degrade its performance and it may need replacement. If left unchecked, a worn-out Selecting Bellcrank Support Sub-Assembly (#33608-52020) may cause faulty gear shifts and affect overall vehicle performance. Using genuine Toyota parts is important for vehicle compatibility and they come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Replacing this part with a genuine Toyota piece not only extends the life of the vehicle's Shift Lever & Retainer system but also enhances safety, as precise gear shifts are vital to the smooth and safe operation of any vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 33608-52020

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