Valve Rocker Support #1

About this product

The Valve Rocker Support #1 (#13952-24012), a key component in the Camshaft & Valve system of a Toyota engine, plays a pivotal role in controlling valve operation. As the camshaft rotates, the rocker arm pivots on the support, allowing for precise opening and closing of the engine valves. This process is vital for efficient fuel intake and exhaust release. However, over time, this part can wear, become clogged or break, leading to inefficient valve operation and potential engine damage. Therefore, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, is recommended for optimal vehicle compatibility and longevity. Ultimately, a functional Valve Rocker Support #1 (#13952-24012) contributes significantly to the overall performance of your car by ensuring that your engine runs smoothly and safely. Misfiring, poor performance, or engine failure could be the result of a non-functional part, highlighting the importance of regular maintenance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 13951-24012
Part Number 13952-24012

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