Suppression Filter

About this product

The Toyota Suppression Filter (#90118-WA609), a critical electrical component within the Antenna system, plays a primary role in the reduction of unwanted signal interference. It works by filtering and diminishing noise or static, ensuring a clear signal for your car's radio or GPS system. Over time, the Suppression Filter (#90118-WA609) can wear down or become faulty, which may result in poor signal reception, static noise, or even complete signal loss. Hence, periodic replacement of this component is crucial for maintaining optimal functionality. Keep in mind, genuine Toyota parts are recommended for a compatible fit and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Finally, the Suppression Filter (#90118-WA609)'s role in maintaining clear signal reception contributes significantly to the overall efficiency of the Antenna system, impacting the audio and navigation experience within your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90118-WA609

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