Sw Assembly Hazard

About this product

The Sw Assembly Hazard (#SU003-09333), a central Electrical part in the Switch & Relay & Computer system of Toyota automobiles, plays a critical role in vehicle safety. When activated, it engages the car's hazard lights, alerting others to a potential issue or danger. This part functions by activating an electrical circuit that powers the hazard lights, providing clear and visible signalling to other road users. If the Sw Assembly Hazard (#SU003-09333) becomes old or broken, the danger alert system may fail to operate adequately, potentially leading to unfortunate consequences. Hence, periodic replacement is critical to maintaining your car's safety features. Genuine Toyota parts like the Sw Assembly Hazard (#SU003-09333) offer perfect compatibility with your vehicle and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, delivering quality you can trust. This part, when functioning correctly, significantly enhances the safety of your vehicle, contributing to a safer driving experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-09333

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