Sw Assembly Motor

About this product

The Sw Assembly Motor (#SU003-08488), a crucial electrical component within Toyota's Switch & Relay & Computer system, plays a vital role in the seamless operation of your vehicle. This auto part acts by transmitting signals from the driver's input, communicating with other parts of the system to complete various functions, like adjusting mirror angles or activating power windows. Regrettably, time and usage can degrade this part, potentially leading to inefficiencies in signal transmission. A worn-out Sw Assembly Motor (#SU003-08488) might result in sluggish vehicle responses or even total failure of the associated functions. Therefore, timely replacement of this component with genuine Toyota parts is key. These original pieces are designed explicitly for compatibility with your Toyota vehicle and come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In the grand scheme, the Sw Assembly Motor (#SU003-08488) supports overall vehicle safety and efficiency by ensuring the quick and precise response of the car's electronic functions.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-08488

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