Back Sonar Switch Assembly

About this product

The Back Sonar Switch Assembly (#84490-28030) is an essential electrical part in the Switch & Relay & Computer system of your Toyota vehicle. This auto part plays a crucial role by activating the rear parking assist system, which helps to prevent collisions by detecting obstacles behind your vehicle. Genuine Toyota parts are key to maintain compatibility and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. As this part works, it can become worn or damaged over time, impacting the efficiency and safety of your parking assist system. If this part becomes non-functional, it could lead to accidents due to an inability to properly detect obstacles. Therefore, periodic replacement is necessary. Overall, the Back Sonar Switch Assembly (#84490-28030) significantly contributes to the safety of your Toyota vehicle. By maintaining this part, you help ensure a flawless operation of your car's parking assist system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 84490-28030

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