Combination Switch Assembly

About this product

The Combination Switch Assembly (#84970-WAA01), a component in the Roof Headlining & Silencer Pad system, is a vital part in every Toyota vehicle. This assembly aids in controlling multiple vehicle systems, from the lighting to the windshield wipers, making it an integral part to the function and safety of your Toyota. As this part ages, it may become less responsive or fail completely, leading to a loss of control over essential vehicle systems. This could potentially result in dangerous driving conditions. Therefore, timely replacement of this part with a genuine Toyota part ensures optimal compatibility and functionality. Remember, all genuine Toyota parts are backed by Toyota's parts warranty. The Combination Switch Assembly (#84970-WAA01) contributes significantly to the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle, making it a crucial component to maintain.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 84970-WAA01

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