Curtain Switch Assembly

About this product

The Curtain Switch Assembly (#84940-07030) is a crucial Electrical component in Toyota's Switch & Relay & Computer system. Its primary function is to operate the deployment of the vehicle's side curtain airbags in the event of a collision. The assembly works by sending a signal to the airbag system when sensors detect a certain level of force, activating the airbags. Like all vehicle parts, the Curtain Switch Assembly (#84940-07030) can wear out over time, leading to potential malfunctions. A non-functional or old assembly could fail to deploy the airbags during an accident, increasing the risk of injury to passengers. To avoid this, it's essential to replace the Curtain Switch Assembly (#84940-07030) periodically. Remember, genuine Toyota parts offer the best compatibility for your vehicle and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. The Curtain Switch Assembly (#84940-07030) not only enhances the safety of your vehicle but also contributes to the overall operational efficiency of the Switch & Relay & Computer system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 84940-07030

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