Defogger Time Switch Assembly

About this product

The Defogger Time Switch Assembly (#84790-06020), an electrical component within the Switch & Relay & Computer system of Toyota vehicles, plays a vital role in maintaining clear visibility through the rear windshield. This assembly activates the defogger for a preset period, automatically turning off after the time expires, thus conserving energy and reducing unnecessary wear on the defogger system. Like other components, the Defogger Time Switch Assembly (#84790-06020) can wear out or become damaged, which could lead to the defogger staying on too long or not turning on at all, hindering rear visibility. Therefore, periodic replacement with genuine Toyota parts, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, is critical for optimal performance and compatibility. In conclusion, the Defogger Time Switch Assembly (#84790-06020) is an essential part of the safety system in Toyota vehicles, ensuring clear rear visibility in varying weather conditions.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 84790-06020

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