Fold Seat Switch Assembly

About this product

The Fold Seat Switch Assembly (#84190-0C010), a critical component in the Switch & Relay & Computer system of your Toyota vehicle, is responsible for the smooth operation of your vehicle's foldable seats. This Electrical part controls the function of folding and unfolding the seats, thereby optimizing the usage of available space in the vehicle. Over time, like any other auto part, the Fold Seat Switch Assembly (#84190-0C010) may wear out or become clogged, which can affect the functionality of the seats. A malfunctioning switch could lead to seats not folding correctly or causing unnecessary strain on the seat motors. Regular replacement with genuine Toyota parts can maintain compatibility with your vehicle while also being backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, the Fold Seat Switch Assembly (#84190-0C010) contributes significantly to the vehicle's convenience and operational efficiency. With its proper maintenance, your Toyota vehicle remains a safe and comfortable space for all passengers.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 84190-0C010

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