Hazard Warning Signal Switch Assembly

About this product

The Hazard Warning Signal Switch Assembly (#84330-52050), a critical Electrical part within Toyota's Switch & Relay & Computer system, serves a vital safety role. Its primary function is to activate the vehicle's hazard lights, notifying other drivers of potential danger or the vehicle's stationary status. Various components, including the switch, electrical connections, and relay, work together to activate the hazard lights at the flick of a switch. Like any other part, the Hazard Warning Signal Switch Assembly (#84330-52050) may age or become damaged, potentially leading to non-functionality. A faulty switch could potentially lead to the inability to communicate dangers to fellow drivers, posing a significant safety risk. Therefore, periodic replacement with genuine parts, which are designed for optimal compatibility with your Toyota vehicle, is crucial. Genuine parts are also supported by Toyota's authentic parts warranty, adding an extra layer of safety and assurance. Ultimately, this element enhances the vehicle's overall safety, enabling effective communication of hazards to other road users.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 84330-52050

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