Heater Switch Assembly

About this product

The Heater Switch Assembly (#87290-52040), an essential electrical part within the Heating & Air Conditioning - Control & Air Duct system of a Toyota vehicle, plays a critical role in controlling the vehicular temperature. It functions by regulating the flow of warm air, maintaining the desired in-cabin climate. Components in this assembly include the switch, electrical wiring, and temperature sensor. Over time, with continuous use, the Heater Switch Assembly (#87290-52040) can wear out, break, or become non-functional. A faulty assembly can lead to inefficient heating control, causing discomfort for passengers and potentially damaging other components in the system. Using genuine Toyota parts, such as the Heater Switch Assembly (#87290-52040), not only ensures compatibility but also comes backed with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By maintaining periodic replacement of this crucial part, you can uphold overall system efficiency, ensuring a comfortable and safe in-cabin environment.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 87290-52040

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