Mayday Switch Assembly

About this product

The Mayday Switch Assembly (#86750-F4050-C0), a crucial electrical part in Toyota's Telephone & Mayday system, primarily serves as a safety feature for distress situations. It functions by sending a distress signal when activated, connecting the vehicle to emergency services for immediate assistance. This assembly, consisting of multiple components, requires precision for seamless operation. Like all parts, the Mayday Switch Assembly (#86750-F4050-C0) is subject to wear and tear. When old or broken, its performance can be compromised, leading to potential delays in emergency situations. This underlines the necessity of frequent replacement with genuine Toyota parts. These parts fit seamlessly and are backed by Toyota’s genuine parts warranty. Ultimately, the Mayday Switch Assembly (#86750-F4050-C0) contributes significantly to the safety of the vehicle, ensuring a rapid response in emergency situations. Therefore, maintaining this part's functionality is paramount.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 86750-F4050-C0
Color Name Black

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