Speed Control Main Switch Assembly

About this product

The Speed Control Main Switch Assembly (#84630-0C010), a crucial component in Toyota's Electrical Cruise Control and Electrical Switch & Relay & Computer systems, modulates the vehicle's speed and acceleration. As part of these systems, it receives signals, interpreting them to manage vehicle speed accordingly. This integral part, if malfunctioned due to age or damage, can cause irregular speed control, compromising vehicle performance and safety. Regular replacement of this component is essential to maintain optimal functioning. Toyota recommends using genuine parts for seamless compatibility with their vehicles and the Speed Control Main Switch Assembly (#84630-0C010) is no exception. Toyota's genuine parts warranty backs these components, affirming their quality and reliability. This particular part significantly contributes to the efficiency of the vehicle's speed control system, enhancing both safety and drive experience.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 84630-0C010

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