Speed Control Switch Assembly

About this product

The Speed Control Switch Assembly (#88230-32020-03), an essential component in the Cruise Control system of Toyota vehicles, plays a central role in managing how fast your vehicle goes. This electrical part adjusts speed and engagement of the cruise control, communicating with the vehicle's engine to maintain a steady pace. Authentic Toyota Auto Parts like this are designed to align perfectly with your vehicle, facilitating smooth operation and compatibility. Plus, they're backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Routine replacement of the Speed Control Switch Assembly (#88230-32020-03) is crucial. When old, broken, or non-functional, it can lead to erratic or unresponsive cruise control behavior, compromising both efficiency and safety. Conversely, a well-maintained assembly helps provide a seamless, reliable cruise control experience. This not only enhances your driving comfort but also contributes to the vehicle's fuel efficiency and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 88230-32020-03

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