Steering Pad Switch Assembly

About this product

The Steering Pad Switch Assembly (#84250-0E370-B0), an integral component within the Switch & Relay & Computer system of your Toyota vehicle, plays a crucial role in maintaining efficient vehicle control. This electrical part allows the driver to operate various vehicle functions via steering wheel controls, such as the horn, cruise controls, and audio controls. As this assembly is subject to constant use, it may wear out and require replacement over time. If left unchecked, a malfunctioning Steering Pad Switch Assembly (#84250-0E370-B0) could lead to loss of control over essential vehicle functions, compromising driver safety. Opting for genuine Toyota replacement parts not only ensures vehicle compatibility but also comes with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, this part greatly enhances driver convenience and safety, contributing significantly to the overall operational efficiency of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 84250-0E370-B0
Color Name Silver

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