Tail Gate Control Switch Assembly

About this product

The Toyota Tail Gate Control Switch Assembly (#84830-35050), an integral part of the Switch & Relay & Computer system, primarily regulates the opening and closing of the vehicle's tailgate. As an electrical part, it is responsible for directing current to the tailgate's motor, triggering its movement. Just like any other electrical part, the Tail Gate Control Switch Assembly (#84830-35050) can age, become clogged, or break. These situations may lead to faulty operation of the tailgate, potentially resulting in safety hazards or inefficiencies. Genuine parts from Toyota are recommended for their superior compatibility with your vehicle, and they come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This part contributes significantly to the overall system, ensuring the tailgate operates smoothly and securely. Therefore, maintaining and replacing this part when necessary is paramount to the safety and efficiency of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 84830-35050

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