Transmission Shift Switch Assembly

About this product

The Transmission Shift Switch Assembly (#84610-WAA01), an electrical part in the Switch & Relay & Computer system, plays a critical role in facilitating the smooth change of gears in a Toyota vehicle. This component sends signals to the vehicle's computer system to indicate when a shift in gears is required while the vehicle is in operation. Being a key component in the transmission system, regular replacement of this part is essential. If the Transmission Shift Switch Assembly (#84610-WAA01) becomes old, clogged, or broken, it can lead to erratic shifting, transmission damage, and create unsafe driving conditions. Using genuine Toyota parts like this one supports vehicle compatibility and they're backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In terms of overall efficiency, a functional Transmission Shift Switch Assembly (#84610-WAA01) ensures optimal gear shifting, contributing significantly to the vehicle's performance and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 84610-WAA01

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