Water Level Warning Switch Assembly

About this product

The Water Level Warning Switch Assembly (#85397-33230), an essential electrical part in the Windshield Washer system, plays a critical role in maintaining visibility while driving. This auto part functions by alerting the driver when the washer fluid level is low, facilitating timely refills and preventing the washer system from running dry. Over time, this switch assembly might deteriorate or become faulty, causing unreliable readings that could lead to an empty washer fluid reservoir. In turn, this could compromise the effectiveness of your windshield washer system and hence, visibility. That's why it's crucial to replace it periodically with genuine Toyota Autoparts, known for their vehicle compatibility and backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. This assembly's reliable operation is paramount to the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle, ensuring optimal performance of your windshield washer system, and subsequently, safer driving conditions.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85397-33230

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