Deck Lamp Switch

About this product

The Deck Lamp Switch (#84267-0C010), an essential component in the Switch & Relay & Computer system of a Toyota vehicle, plays a critical role in controlling the illumination of cargo area or trunk. Operating as an electrical switch, this part activates or deactivates the deck lamp when the trunk lid or hatch is opened or closed. Over time, like many switch components, the Deck Lamp Switch (#84267-0C010) could age, become clogged or even break, impairing its function. A malfunctioning switch might result in the deck lamp remaining on or off irrespective of the trunk state, potentially leading to a drained battery or limited visibility in the trunk area. Toyota recommends using genuine parts like the Deck Lamp Switch (#84267-0C010) for optimal vehicle compatibility. Genuine parts are covered under Toyota's genuine parts warranty. An operational Deck Lamp Switch (#84267-0C010) contributes to the overall safety of the vehicle by ensuring appropriate illumination of the trunk area, thereby improving visibility during loading or unloading.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 84267-0C010

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