Heater Blower Switch

About this product

The Heater Blower Switch (#84732-48010), an essential electrical part in Toyota's Heating & Air Conditioning - Control & Air Duct system, controls the fan speed of the vehicle's heater and air conditioner. This switch, when activated, regulates the current flowing to the blower motor, which in turn adjusts the amount of air pushed through the vehicle's vents. Using genuine Toyota parts, such as this Heater Blower Switch (#84732-48010), allows perfect compatibility with the vehicle, optimizing performance and efficiency. Moreover, Toyota's genuine parts are backed by their warranty, offering peace of mind. As with any part, periodic replacement is crucial. An old or broken Heater Blower Switch (#84732-48010) can lead to a decline in HVAC system performance, affecting the car’s heating, cooling and defrosting capabilities. In extreme cases, a non-functional switch can lead to complete failure of the HVAC system. Hence, replacing this switch at regular intervals contributes to the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle's heating and cooling system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 84732-48010

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