Level Warning Switch

About this product

The Level Warning Switch (#85397-WB003), a crucial electrical component within the Windshield Washer system, is responsible for detecting the fluid level in the windshield washer reservoir. Its primary role is to alert the driver when the washer fluid is too low and needs to be refilled. This is achieved by a floating mechanism within the switch that rises and falls with the fluid level. Over time, this switch may become clogged or damaged, hindering its ability to accurately detect fluid levels. A malfunctioning Level Warning Switch (#85397-WB003) can lead to a failure to provide a timely alert, potentially compromising visibility and safety. Toyota genuine parts like the Level Warning Switch (#85397-WB003) are not just designed for optimal compatibility with your vehicle, but also backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Regular replacement of this part helps maintain the windshield washer system's efficiency and contributes to the overall safety of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 85397-WB003

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