Luggage Electrical Key Switch

About this product

The Luggage Electrical Key Switch (#84945-0C010), an electrical part in the Switch & Relay & Computer system, is critical for vehicular operation. This part primarily allows drivers to remotely unlock or lock the luggage compartment, providing an extra layer of security and convenience. The switch key interacts with computer systems within the car to send electronic signals, initiating the desired action. Like all parts, it may wear out over time, affecting performance and potentially leading to a failure in the locking system. Fitting genuine Toyota parts can aid in maintaining vehicle compatibility and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. A functional Luggage Electrical Key Switch (#84945-0C010) not only enhances the user experience but also indirectly contributes to the safety of the vehicle by keeping valuables secure.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 84945-0C010

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