Map Lamp Switch

About this product

The Map Lamp Switch (#84249-0C010), a key Electrical part in the Switch & Relay & Computer system of your Toyota vehicle, is primarily responsible for controlling the on and off functionality of the map lamps. When activated, the switch sets off a circuit within the electrical system that illuminates the map lamps, aiding visibility within the vehicle. The functionality of this part can slowly deteriorate with time and use and if left unchecked, it could lead to a non-functional map lamp, compromising the convenience and safety of the vehicle's occupants. Using genuine Toyota parts like the Map Lamp Switch (#84249-0C010) ensures compatibility with your vehicle and is supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In conclusion, a properly functioning Map Lamp Switch (#84249-0C010) increases the efficiency of the vehicle's electrical system and contributes significantly to the safety and convenience of the vehicle's occupants.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 84249-0C010

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