Neutral Position Switch

About this product

The Neutral Position Switch (#84545-71010), a critical electrical part under the Switch & Relay & Computer system category, plays a significant role in managing your Toyota's transmission. It indicates to the vehicle's computer when the transmission is in neutral, allowing the vehicle to start properly. The switch functions through various internal mechanisms and components, interacting seamlessly with the transmission system during operation. As the Neutral Position Switch (#84545-71010) ages, it may become worn or damaged, which could cause a range of issues, from starting difficulties to transmission malfunctions. Given this, the Neutral Position Swap needs to be replaced periodically. Ignoring this may lead to a complete breakdown of the transmission system. Genuine Toyota parts offer the best compatibility with your vehicle and are supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, ensuring the long-term performance and safety of your vehicle. In conclusion, the Neutral Position Switch (#84545-71010), while often overlooked, is vital to the effective and safe operation of your vehicle's transmission system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 84545-71010

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