Outer Mirror Extend Switch

About this product

The Outer Mirror Extend Switch (#847B2-0C010), an essential electrical part in the Switch & Relay & Computer system, plays a crucial role in controlling the extension or retraction of side mirrors on your Toyota. This switch communicates with the vehicle's electrical system to move the mirrors in or out, aiding drivers in narrow driving situations or parking. Genuine Toyota parts assure compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, reinforcing the quality of the Outer Mirror Extend Switch (#847B2-0C010). If this switch gets old or broken, the mirrors may fail to extend or retract, potentially impairing visibility and making driving unsafe in certain conditions. Regular replacement of your Outer Mirror Extend Switch (#847B2-0C010) ensures that your vehicle's side mirrors function optimally, enhancing overall driving safety and efficiency.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 847B2-0C010

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