Power Back Door Control Switch

About this product

The Power Back Door Control Switch (#84966-42020), an essential electrical auto part in the Switch & Relay & Computer system, performs the crucial role of regulating the automated opening and closing of the vehicle's rear door. As the name suggests, this switch controls the power back door's operation, acting as the key interface between the user and the back door automation system. The Control Switch is comprised of multiple components, including the switch button, circuit board, and connection terminals, all working in harmony to convert user input into electrical signals that activate the door's mechanical system. Like other components, the Power Back Door Control Switch (#84966-42020) requires periodic replacement to maintain optimal functionality due to inevitable wear and tear. If this part becomes old, broken, or non-functional, it could result in a lack of control over the power back door, which could potentially lead to safety risks or inconvenience. Therefore, using a genuine Toyota part is crucial for vehicle compatibility, and such parts are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. In essence, the Control Switch significantly contributes to the vehicle's overall efficiency and safety, facilitating user-friendly and automatic access to the vehicle's rear cargo area.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 84966-42020

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