Power Slide Door Main Switch

About this product

The Power Slide Door Main Switch (#84962-AE010), an essential electrical part in the Switch & Relay & Computer system, plays a pivotal role in the operation of your Toyota vehicle's automatic sliding door. It controls the electronic mechanism that opens and closes the sliding door, thereby enhancing convenience and safety. Genuine Toyota parts such as this are designed for perfect vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. However, over time, the switch can wear out or become damaged, meaning it will need to be replaced to maintain optimal functionality. Failure to replace a faulty switch could lead to difficulties in properly operating the sliding door, posing potential safety risks and inconvenience. In conclusion, the Power Slide Door Main Switch (#84962-AE010) contributes significantly to the overall efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle, ensuring a seamless and safe operation of the sliding door mechanism.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 84962-AE010

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