Pressure Switch

About this product

The Pressure Switch (#88645-20050), an integral part of Toyota's Electrical Heating & Air Conditioning - Cooler Piping and Cooler Unit systems, primarily monitors and controls the system's pressure. In operation, this auto part regulates the system's pressure to maintain optimal function, turning the system on or off based on specified pressure levels. If this component becomes aged, clogged or non-functional, it can lead to system pressure imbalances, potentially compromising system efficiency and overall safety. As such, it's crucial to periodically replace the pressure switch with genuine Toyota parts, which offer vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Notably, the Pressure Switch (#88645-20050) works closely with the compressor and refrigerant, making its function key to the efficiency of the overall system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 88706-12260;88645-06020;88706-12300;88706-32020;88710-20370
Part Number 88645-20050

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