Shift Lock Control Switch

About this product

The Shift Lock Control Switch (#84727-53020), an essential electrical component in Toyota's Switch & Relay & Computer system, plays a pivotal role in ensuring safe gear transitions. This part prevents unintentional shifts from the parking position unless the brake pedal is depressed, thus averting potential accidents. The switch co-works with the solenoid and Electronic Control Unit (ECU) to control the lock system. However, an old or faulty Shift Lock Control Switch (#84727-53020) can cause trouble with gear shifting or even lock the gear in place, making driving impossible. Regular replacement with genuine Toyota parts is highly recommended for seamless compatibility with your vehicle. All genuine Toyota parts come with the assurance of Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By efficiently controlling gear shifts, the Shift Lock Control Switch (#84727-53020) greatly contributes to the overall safety of your vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 84727-53020

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