Luggage Electrical Key Switch Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Luggage Electrical Key Switch Sub-Assembly (#84905-33010), categorized under the Electrical Switch & Relay & Computer and Electrical Wireless Door Lock systems, plays an integral role in locking and unlocking the luggage compartment of your Toyota vehicle. Genuine Toyota parts like this ensure optimal compatibility and longevity, backed by the company's genuine parts warranty. Acting as a link between the electrical circuit and the mechanical lock, the switch triggers the locking mechanism when activated by the key. Over time, wear and tear can cause the switch to malfunction, potentially leaving your luggage compartment unlocked or inaccessible. Regular replacement of the Luggage Electrical Key Switch Sub-Assembly (#84905-33010) not only maintains the security of your luggage compartment but also the overall functionality of your car's electrical system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 84905-33010

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