Luggage Electrical Key Switch Sub-Assembly

About this product

The Luggage Electrical Key Switch Sub-Assembly (#84905-47010), a critical component of the Wireless Door Lock system, secures your luggage compartment by electronically controlling access. When functioning optimally, this auto part offers enhanced security by permitting access only when the correct electronic key is used. Since it's a genuine Toyota part, it assures perfect compatibility with your vehicle and is protected by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, if the switch becomes worn or clogged, the security of your luggage compartment could be compromised, potentially leading to unauthorized access. Additionally, a faulty switch may falsely indicate that the luggage compartment is locked, when it isn't, posing a risk to the safety of your belongings. In essence, the Luggage Electrical Key Switch Sub-Assembly (#84905-47010) plays an invaluable role in maintaining the overall safety and efficiency of your vehicle's wireless door lock system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 84905-47010

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