Transfer Indicator Switch

About this product

The Transfer Indicator Switch (#84222-0C020), a key component in the Rear Axle Housing & Differential system of a drive-chassis, plays a crucial role in your Toyota vehicle's performance. This part functions to monitor and communicate the status of the four-wheel drive system, providing real-time information to the vehicle's on-board computer. As part of its operation, it interacts with other components, including the transfer case and the differential. Failure to replace a worn-out Transfer Indicator Switch (#84222-0C020) can lead to inaccurate information being relayed to the vehicle's computer, potentially resulting in poor vehicle performance or, in some cases, complete system failure. By investing in genuine Toyota parts, you can feel confident in their compatibility with your vehicle. Additionally, Toyota supports its genuine parts with a comprehensive warranty. Ultimately, a well-maintained Transfer Indicator Switch (#84222-0C020) contributes significantly to the efficiency and safety of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 84222-0C020

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