Transmission Shift Main Switch

About this product

The Transmission Shift Main Switch (#84718-48020), an instrumental electrical piece in the Switch & Relay & Computer system, is essential for the smooth operation of your Toyota vehicle. It's primarily responsible for sending signals to the vehicle's computer system, managing gear changes effectively and efficiently. The functionality of this switch is integral in ensuring seamless movement from one gear to another. Over time, the Transmission Shift Main Switch (#84718-48020) can become worn out or damaged, impeding this crucial process. The result can be jarring gear transitions or difficulty shifting, putting undue stress on your vehicle's system. By choosing a genuine Toyota Transmission Shift Main Switch (#84718-48020), you're opting for a part designed specifically for your vehicle, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Its periodic replacement not only maintains optimal gear shifting performance but directly contributes to the vehicle's overall operation and safety, improving both driving experience and vehicle longevity.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 84718-48030;84718-48040
Part Number 84718-48020

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