Trip Switch

The Trip Switch (#8497548070), a crucial component in Toyota's Electrical/Switch & Relay & Computer systems, serves a primary role in controlling the flow of electrical current within these systems. As the switch is activated, it breaks the current flow, preventing potential electrical overloads and safeguarding the vehicle's sensitive electrical components. This vital auto part, like any other, can age or become clogged and non-functional. If neglected, a faulty trip switch may lead to electrical shorts or potential damage to the system. Therefore, its periodic replacement is necessary. Genuine Toyota parts, like the Trip Switch (#8497548070), are optimal for vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. They offer a seamless fit and outstanding function, enhancing the overall safety and efficiency of your vehicle. With proper maintenance, your vehicle's electrical system will continue to run smoothly, contributing to a safer, more efficient drive.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 84975-48070

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