Sylinder Block

About this product

The Cylinder Block, a crucial component of the Cylinder Block system in Toyota’s Engine-Fuel parts, is integral to your vehicle's performance. The primary role of this auto part is to provide a housing for the engine's cylinders and other internal components, contributing significantly to the engine's functionality. Genuine Toyota Cylinder Blocks, compatible with your vehicle's specifications, are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. With time, Cylinder Blocks may wear down or break due to continuous use and exposure to high temperatures and pressures. If left unattended, this could lead to engine malfunctioning or failure, impacting overall vehicle performance. Therefore, periodic replacement is imperative to maintain your engine’s efficiency and the safety of your vehicle. The Cylinder Block's performance directly influences fuel efficiency and power output, underscoring its importance in your Toyota's overall performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 11401-29085;11401-29086;11401-29088
Part Number 11401-29087

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