Front Seat Side Table Assembly

About this product

The Front Seat Side Table Assembly (#78060-0E010-B3), a crucial auto part in the Rear Seat & Seat Track system, plays a primary role in enhancing comfort and functionality for rear passengers in Toyota vehicles. This assembly provides a sturdy, retractable table that can be used for various purposes such as dining or working whilst traveling. The assembly, designed for compatibility with Toyota vehicles, involves several components including brackets, mounting hardware and the table itself. Over time, these parts can wear or break and may require replacement. Failing to replace a malfunctioning Front Seat Side Table Assembly (#78060-0E010-B3) can negatively impact the comfort and convenience of your rear passengers. Genuine Toyota parts, like the Front Seat Side Table Assembly (#78060-0E010-B3), come with Toyota's genuine parts warranty, offering peace of mind with every purchase. By maintaining this part, you uphold your vehicle's integrity and continue to provide rear passengers with added convenience and comfort.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 78060-0E010-B1;78060-0E010-B2
Part Number 78060-0E010-B3
Color Name Gray

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