Black Out Tape #1 Left Hand

About this product

The Black Out Tape #1 Left Hand (#75922-74010), a crucial body part in the Side Moulding system, primarily functions to cover and protect the side molding from external damage. It's designed to blend seamlessly with the vehicle's body, enhancing aesthetic appeal while safeguarding the molding. Toyota's genuine Black Out Tape #1 Left Hand (#75922-74010) offers superior compatibility, with all parts subjected to rigorous quality control. The Black Out Tape #1 Left Hand (#75922-74010), like all genuine Toyota parts, is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, this tape may lose its adhesive properties, peel, or crack, which could expose the underlying part to potential harm. Prolonged exposure to sunlight and weather elements can also cause fading. Regular replacement ensures the side molding remains protected, which contributes to the vehicle's overall safety and aesthetic value.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 75922-74010

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