Tensr Assembly V-Belt

About this product

The Tensr Assembly V-Belt (#SU003-00498), a crucial Engine-Fuel part in the Water Pump system, is tasked with maintaining the tension of the drive belt. As the engine operates, the Tensr Assembly V-Belt (#SU003-00498) ensures consistent belt tension, enabling smooth operation of the water pump, alternator, and other belt-driven components. This component needs to be replaced periodically, as wear and tear can lead to a loose or broken belt, negatively affecting your vehicle's performance. Relying on genuine Toyota parts can alleviate these issues, as they are specifically designed for compatibility with your vehicle and supported by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. A well-maintained Tensr Assembly V-Belt (#SU003-00498) contributes to the overall efficiency of the Engine-Fuel system, allowing the water pump to function optimally, thus promoting your vehicle's performance and safety.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number SU003-00498

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