Junction Terminal

About this product

The Junction Terminal (#82675-WAA01), a crucial component in the Wiring & Clamp system of a vehicle, primarily functions as a nexus point that connects various electrical circuits. This allows for the efficient distribution of power and electrical signals throughout the auto system. Genuine Toyota Junction Terminal (#82675-WAA01)s, specifically designed for compatibility with your vehicle, are covered by Toyota's genuine parts warranty to ensure quality and dependability. Over time, these terminals may experience wear and tear or corrosion, which can lead to poor electrical connections and system instability. Thus, periodic replacement of the Junction Terminal (#82675-WAA01) is essential to prevent potential malfunctions or electrical failures in your vehicle. Furthermore, the Junction Terminal (#82675-WAA01) plays a vital role in maintaining the overall efficiency and safety of your vehicle's electrical system, providing a reliable connection point for power distribution, thereby ensuring your vehicle runs smoothly and safely.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 82675-WAA01

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