
About this product

The Thermistor (#88625-12070), an electrical component in the Heating & Air Conditioning - Cooler Unit system, plays a crucial role in maintaining the optimal temperature inside your Toyota vehicle. It functions by detecting the temperature of the air inside the vehicle and sends these readings to the control system, which adjusts the air conditioning unit accordingly. When a Thermistor (#88625-12070) becomes old or broken, it can malfunction and provide inaccurate temperature readings. This can result in an uncomfortable vehicle environment and potential overuse of the vehicle's air conditioning system, leading to increased fuel consumption. Using genuine Toyota parts for replacements ensures compatibility and is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Regular replacement of the Thermistor (#88625-12070) is necessary for maintaining the efficiency of your vehicle's heating and cooling system, ultimately contributing to better fuel consumption and passenger comfort.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 88625-90A00;88626-90A01
Part Number 88625-12070

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