Transmission Oil Thermostat

About this product

The Transmission Oil Thermostat (#32971-60020), a crucial Drive-Chassis part in Toyota's Oil Cooler & Tube (Atm) system, plays an essential role in maintaining the optimal operating temperature of the transmission oil. It modulates the flow of oil through the cooler, only allowing it to pass when the oil has reached a specific temperature. This helps prevent damage caused by oil that is either too hot or too cold. Toyota genuine parts like this one are particularly desirable for their compatibility with the vehicle's system and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, the thermostat can deteriorate, become clogged or break, impairing its ability to regulate oil temperature. This can lead to inefficient vehicle performance, potential transmission damage, and safety concerns. Replacing this part periodically maintains the system's efficiency and safeguards the vehicle's overall performance.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 32971-60020

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