Preheating Timer

About this product

The Preheating Timer (#28521-54420), an essential component in the Switch & Relay & Computer system of your Toyota vehicle, primarily regulates the pre-heating time of the engine. This electrical part ensures that the engine reaches optimal operational conditions before starting, particularly in cold environments. It achieves this by controlling the current flow to the glow plugs based on temperature and engine status. A failing Preheating Timer (#28521-54420) might lead to hard starts or excessive smoke during startup, due to inadequate heating. Regular replacement with genuine Toyota parts not only assures compatibility but also comes backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. By properly managing the pre-heating process, the Preheating Timer (#28521-54420) enhances the overall efficiency of the engine, providing smoother starts and reducing wear on the engine components.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 28521-54420

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