Torx Bolt

About this product

The Torx Bolt (#90118WA652), a critical component in the Drive-Chassis/Parking Brake & Cable system of your Toyota vehicle, plays a vital role in the effective operation of your vehicle's braking system. It is designed to hold and secure various parts together, ensuring the smooth functioning of the system. Genuine Toyota Torx Bolt (#90118WA652)s are specifically designed for compatibility with your vehicle, providing a perfect fit that aids in optimal performance. Over time, Torx Bolt (#90118WA652)s can become worn or damaged due to their constant usage and the intense pressure they are subjected to. If left unchecked, a damaged or worn Torx Bolt (#90118WA652) may lead to brake failure or other serious issues, thereby creating safety risks. Regular replacement with genuine Toyota parts, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty, is a crucial aspect of maintaining the overall safety and efficiency of your vehicle. The Torx Bolt (#90118WA652) is an indispensable part of your vehicle's braking system, contributing to the overall safety and performance of your Toyota vehicle.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 90118WA652

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