Blower Resistor Transistor Assembly

About this product

The Blower Resistor Transistor Assembly (#88750-08030) is a pivotal electrical component in the Heating & Air Conditioning - Cooler Unit system of a Toyota vehicle. It regulates the speed of the blower fan, managing the airflow that provides the right temperature inside the vehicle. It achieves this through a series of resistors that adjust the current flowing to the blower motor, thereby controlling its speed. Over time, this part can deteriorate or become clogged, which may lead to the blower fan operating at a single speed or not working at all, negatively impacting the vehicle's temperature control. As a genuine Toyota part, this assembly ensures maximum compatibility and performance, backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Through effective airflow regulation, it contributes to the overall efficiency of the Heating & Air Conditioning system, ensuring a comfortable and safe driving environment.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 88750-08030

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