Door Control Transmitter Assembly

About this product

The Toyota Door Control Transmitter Assembly (#89070-60B61), a crucial component in the Body Lock Cylinder Set and Electrical Wireless Door Lock systems, plays a pivotal role in enabling secure access to your vehicle. This assembly transmits electronic signals to unlock and lock doors, ensuring seamless, remote operation. Genuine Toyota parts like this one not only fit perfectly in your vehicle but are also protected by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. However, over time, this assembly may wear down, become clogged or non-functional, leading to issues with secure access to your vehicle, compromising its safety and efficiency. Therefore, periodic replacement is crucial. By maintaining the functionality of this assembly, you're not only securing your vehicle but also ensuring an efficient and trouble-free access system.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 89070-60B60
Part Number 89070-60B61

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