Instrument Panel Cup Holder Tray

About this product

The Toyota Instrument Panel Cup Holder Tray (#55625-04020-C0) is a crucial Body part in the Console Box & Bracket system. This part primarily functions as a secure holder for drinks, preventing spills that might lead to internal damages. The cup holder tray, although simple in design, plays a pivotal role in promoting a clean and safe driving environment. With time, this part could become worn out, broken, or clogged with debris, potentially compromising its intended function. If not replaced when needed, it could lead to unnecessary spills that could damage crucial electronic components in the console box. Toyota's genuine parts, such as the Instrument Panel Cup Holder Tray (#55625-04020-C0), enhance vehicle compatibility and are backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. They contribute significantly to the overall safety and efficiency of the car.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Part Number 55625-04020-C0
Color Name Black

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