Back Window Opening Trim

About this product

The Back Window Opening Trim (#64795-20011-C0) is a vital piece in the Back Door Panel & Glass system of a Toyota car. With its primary role being to seal the back window, it helps maintain the car's structural integrity and insulates the interior from external elements. Manufactured as a genuine Toyota auto part, it ensures excellent compatibility with the vehicle and is backed by Toyota's genuine parts warranty. Over time, wear and tear can cause the opening trim to become loose, brittle, or even break. Old or damaged trims may let in water or wind, leading to discomfort or potential internal damage to the vehicle. Therefore, periodic replacement is necessary. This part plays a critical role in preserving the vehicle's security, safety, and overall functionality. As part of the Back Door Panel & Glass system, it aids in maintaining the car's structural stability and insulation, securing comfort and protection for all passengers.
Brand Toyota Genuine
Previous Version(s) 64795-20010-C0
Part Number 64795-20011-C0
Color Name Black

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